Our train to Lugo leaves at 2.20pm, so we still had some time in Leon. Last night we already spotted a chocolate and churros promotion at a near by cafe at only 2.20 euros. We headed in this direction for breakfast!
Check out the cups of melted creamy chocolate!
I think I reached my quota for sweet chocolate for the next few days. The chocolate and churros were fantastic but regrettably not something one can eat every single morning!
We took a second wander around town. I had to visit the local vodafone to set up data usage. Sadly 10 min later it was still not successful. We have concluded that in Spain, the retail store staff is only there to sell produce but is not trained to handle the more technical queries.
At least I still have a phone no. to use which really is all I basically need.
Our next stop is the local supermarket for some simple food to take on the train. It has now become our habit to do this as this method can save quite a bit of money. Just simple food to tide us over till the next town.
We visited another church in Leon, Real Colegiata de San Isidore, adoration was in progress.
Our trip into Lugo was admitted quite boring with nothing much to report, except in the country, we passed by what looked like hobbit huts! Did the new hobbit movie filming shifted to Spain?
Sorry, no photographs as the train was moving too fast.
We finally stepped off the train and into Lugo at 7pm. Lugo is the quite a mountainous area, lots of hills and slopes, I think I might have to take back my comment a few blogs ago about being fitter now.
We have booked a service apartment and it is absolutely lovely! Fully kit out with kitchen and laundry, for backpackers like us it felt like stepping into heaven! Here is the lounge plus kitchen plus Vincent's room.

I get my own room!!!

If my feelings for this place can be described as happy, then Martin was over the moon with happiness.
I've never seen him rush so quick out the door to get to the supermarket. As soon as the kitchen was seen it was decided that we will cook our own meal tonight.
I think the excitement had us running all over the supermarket. This is the first time we have been able to have access to a fridge since Zurich, we immediate brought ice-cream, watermelon, milk...
It's amazing what one takes for granted when at home, even something so simple as a kitchen can be missed sorely when one is on the road.
I think I was better than the others as I don't usually cook anyway, but for the others that regularly cook their own meals, it was a dream come true.
Martin with our grocery.
The boys preparing dinner.

Martin made pasta for dinner

I'm absolutely hopeless in the kitchen so I resorted to doing the dishes after the meal instead.
The boys even brought some local beers home. It definitely bets the price at the bars.
It amuses me as I think back, the day was actually quite a dull day, no sightseeing, no tourist stuff. However the access to a kitchen and laundry sent us over the moon with excitement and possibilities for the next few days. Perhaps I'm more of a home body than I previously thought.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Location:Carril de Flores,Lugo,Spain
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